Приемная: +7 (3854) 777-130
Продажи:   +7 (3854) 777-710

Work with foreign countries | Работа с зарубежьем


SIBPROMENERGO, LTD is reliable supplier of energy equipments providing complex service in sphere of minor and medium energetics from delivery to completing construction project “turnkey”.

The increase of volume of foreign deliveries is foreground task for today. It is stipulated by existing need for energy equipment in these regions. There is considerable amount of energy equipment, demanding for replacement and upgrade, on the territories of former Soviet Union republics and neighbouring states. At present, regional programs of preparation for heating season 2009 – 2010 are actively realizing and SIBPROMENERGO, LTD is ready to offer the collaboration in this area.

Модульная котельная установка

Our company’s specialists will provide you with full information about selection, delivery of energy equipment and realization period of project, installation and startup works shortly.

SIBPROMENERGO, LTD has successfully developed own production of automation systems. Constructors of automatics department are ready to help you with maintaining of any technological processes with qualitative automatics equipped with cutting-edge import and domestic devices.

Also our company delivers boilers having power from 15 to 400 kWt for working which solid fuel (coal, firewood) is used. For providing small industrial and/or residential areas with heat and hot water the modular boiler plants are produced on the basis of these boilers.

Nowaday our company has implemented the integrated delivery of energy equipment in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Belarus. Our clients are: Karagandinskiy DOK, Corp. (Kazakhstan), Progress Engineering, LTD (Kazakhstan), PTK Spirt Bal Buram (Mongolia) and many others.


Отзыв Карагандинского Деревообрабатывающего комбината

SIBPROMENERGO, LTD doesn’t stop there, but surely moves forward implementing the program of expansion of not only the regions of supply, but also subdealer’s and partner’s network. Our company has long experience of working with subdealer’s network in all regions of the Russian Federation, that will clearly allow to establish the foreign subdealer’s network.

<<< Reference from Karagandinskiy DOK, Corp. (Kazakhstan)

Therefore, SIBPROMENERGO, LTD invites the installation and projection companies to cooperate in the status of official partners of SIBPROMENERGO, LTD in these regions.

Our company will be glad to provide you with maximal assistance to your construction projects with modern and reliable equipment.

Looking forward to mutually advantageous and effective cooperation.


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659315 Россия, Алтайский край, г. Бийск ул. Васильева, 64/1

Приемная: +7 (3854) 777-130

Департамент продаж:
+7(3854) 777-710

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